Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dress up, Clean Up, Plan Up, and Heal Up!

OH HAPPY DAYYYYYYYS!!! That would be the theme of my life! I cannot tell you how freeing and amazing it has been to live up here. Despite the liberalism and major life adjustments, there is a sense of peace that has been developing within my soul. So many times as a pastor's wife, I feel undue pressure on me as to where to go, what to do, what to say, who to be....and so on. After a really bad nightmare of an experience, I did not think I would ever enjoy ministry. This church has been so refreshing. There are NO NO NO expectations of me except to love my family. Every church says that, but this church actually meant it. Funny thing is, I find myself wanting to do more than I have before.You see, when I feel pressured or forced to do something, I withdraw, shut down, check out, etc. Because there is none of that here, I am just me. I am getting to find my "ministry me" again. It is fun, fulfilling, satisfying, blessed! I am teaching yoga twice a week at the church, have participated in the choir/worship team, have lunch with people in the church from my own choice, and I get to actually make friends. I do not have to dance around to show the major tithers that they matter more. I never ever ever would have thought that I would find freedom in ministry up north. So much is taken for granted in our southern mindset and faith. Things are different here. Now don't get me wrong, I need your prayers, because satan is very very active up here. I just feel freer than I have in a long time!

Abbie still does not like school, but she is adjusting. The special ed staff is very very on top of things here. We have our ARD in a couples of weeks, but for once I do not feel like I am fighting to have them hear my concerns - they see them! Her school has so many functions and activities. The other night, we had a Harvest Festival. We were the only ones dressed up. I did not even notice that until my sweet husband pointed out how dorky we looked. I am sorry, I figured if there was a pumpkin carving contest, Halloween games, snacks, and crafts, then it would include costumes! Anyhow, here are some pics from that night.
Abbie was a cheetah!

Brooks was a fireman

This last picture is from a themed diner we ate at before the party. They served the kids in little make-shift cars. Brooks was so excited!

This past Sunday, I was able to be on the worship team. I have not done that since high school. It was an awesome weekend. The Spirit really was moving. I teach in the morning for the first time at the YMCA in the morning. There is no microphone in the room I will be in, so I am a bit anxious. My accent and their disdain for step also puts some butterflies in the tummy. Other than that, I am excited! This is a very busy week - from work to a fundraiser ball, to having the church Pumpkin party at our house. Mix that with a broken washing machine, still unpacking, and some other commitments, and I am definitely going on no-stop adrenaline! Next week, one of my best friends in the whole wide world, comes to see me! COUNT DOWNNNNNNN!!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot, here is a picture of our church sanctuary. The church is made up of multiple buildings, with the sanctuary being on its own. It is beautiful!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

a dash

Just a quick post to let you know we just bought a new computer, so I am back! We have houseguests this weekend, so that is about all I have time to write. I just wanted to let everyone know I am back. I look forward to catching up on everyone's blogs!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The start of Kim's wedding week!

I enjoy coming to my hometown, Germantown, especially when I have the time and freedom to see close friends. Brooks and I arrived on Tuesday night. It was actually the afternoon, but after my luggage did not arrive, we were delayed an hour and a half trying to sort things out. Someone mistook my suitcase for his/hers, and they left with all of our clothes for the wedding. Yikes! As I stressed and prayed, I was given a $50 limit from Delta to go shopping. They said if I spent it before they brought my luggage, they would still reimburse my receipts. I headed to one of my faves - Target! They did, in fact, find my suitcase this afternoon, and I got my clothes and my $50 worth of purchases. Thank you Jesus! I am sensing God is trying to teach me to chill out. I stress so much with the unknown or unresolved, and most times for no reason. I trust in God fully, but trusting is harder than trusting IN.
I had dinner at my favorite sushi place tonight. Before you barf, I only eat cooked sushi. I so do not find raw fish remotely appealing. I had the MiMi roll....YUMMY!!! One of my best friends met me there for some food and fun. Tomorrow will be time with grandparents, hopefully with one of my bffs, Nora, and then to pick up Rick and Abs from airport. I am teaching 2 classes in the morning, back-to-back. I hope I can walk on Friday. I do have a fun yet classy little black dress to wear.
Friday morning is a bridesmaids' brunch, mani/pedi bonding, rehearsal and dinner, and then Kimmie gets married on Saturday!
Now off the get my boy dressed for bed and then sack out myself. 'Night!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

An Update

Hello blog world! it has been awhile. Our computer breathed its last breath about a week and a half ago, and blogging is not so easy on my cel phone. I am borrowing a friend's computer so I can get my fix. Let's see. I am not even remembering my last posts, so forgive me if I repeat. I GOT A JOB! My first interview was at a movie star/politician place. I had no clue how uppity it would be at the time. I had just seen they had a lot of fitness classes. I like people that like others as much as themselves. I am not a "stare at yourself in the mirror" and "think wonderful thoughts about you and only you" kind of gal. I, of course, expressed my disinterest in a very PC way, but the result was NO WAY! After being so turned off, I had my next interview at the Y. Ah, the Y. YMCAs are never known for their awesome facilities or super great pay. They are known, however, for their down-to-earth members and more family friendly feel. Since I feel like I am in another country much of the time up here, I opted for a place that was a little more like home. I was offered a job on the spot and took it! I am going to be training at both YMCAs in Connecticut (only about 15 miles from house), and I will be subbing as well. The coordinator was sweet and genuine, which is worth more than major bucks. The yoga classes pay $50/hr, so I do hope I will be called to sub a couple of those! (: I am also starting a power yoga class at church twice a week. That will give me an outlet as well.
Abbie does not like school AT ALL. She finds being told what to do very frustrating. She also does not see the fun in drawing lines and writing letters. Music and lunchtime are her faves. So far, the teachers seem to be pretty discerning and observant. The north is quite different from the south, and I do not see a lot of hugging and affection from the teachers, but they are good people all the same.
I am teaching high school Sunday School, which is a change for me. I always try to find the greatest need and plug in, which here is youth group. There is so much worldliness up here that their view of holiness and sin is quite different. That is an adjustment to me, to not be on the same page with what is right or wrong. Even when teens do not follow their views, most Christians in the south agree on what is right and wrong.
The other night,I was served water, or so I thought, took a big gulp, and almost spewed. Someone had brought me alcohol. Now to those who drink an occasional glass, not offense. It is just I have had one accidental taste in my ENTIRE LIFE! The taste is none to appealing to me. It was dark outside, and I was really thirsty, so it was no tiny sip. I gulped and then was quite shocked. I said, "Excuse me, this is not water...I think you gave me beer." She apologized and ran inside to figure out what happened. It was an accident, and I am over it, but my antennas will be up. Abbie drinks whatever she sees in hand's reach. She would have no clue and chug away. She will now be on an invisible leash!
Despite the trials up here, I know this is where we are to be.The people in our church are really sweet and accepting. They love on my children. All the teenager girls adore Brooks, and he eats it up! They are very very different from our former nightmare of a church, so I find myself softening and healing even more. I am still homesick for my close friends. Moving so much has been hard, and I do long for the familiarity of my best friends.
I leave on Tuesday to go to Germantown for Kim's wedding. My sis gets married Saturday, and my brother the beginning of January, and then we are all married! I have never met my brother's future wife, so I am very excited about meeting her this coming weekend.
Hopefully we will have a new computer soon, and I can be more "in touch" with the blogworld!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Crack me up!

Just a quick funny story. Rick visited the elderly in a nursing home last Sunday. When he went into one room, the lady (who happened to be 104) asked him if he were married. After he said "YES," she proceeded to tell him that she liked him and would have to kill his wife (that would be me). He told her he liked me and wanted me alive. Her response, "No. I am gonna have to kill her." CRACK ME UP!!! Rick laughs when he tells me this and says, "I guess the moral of the story is that women in their 100s still have needs. CRACK ME UP ...again!