Friday, December 17, 2010
Abbie's Place
Rick and I visited a school this morning in Stamford, CT that we might consider sending Abbie to next year. The school was impressive. The teacher/student ration was 1:4. All kids at the school have learning disabilities, with 70% being language/auditory processing issues. EVERY SINGLE teacher is a licensed special education teacher. The application process is arduous, but it has to be done quickly. Once we apply, if they feel Abbie might be a good candidate, she will be invited to attend school for 2 days there. After that, the teachers and therapists will meet to decide if she will be a good fit or not, and where she should be placed. Once all that is done, we start applying for financial aid. The school is a mere $40,000 a year(: so we would definitely need aid. Our only concern with it is her speech therapy would be much less intense than what she gets now. That is a huge concern, but the class size and environment would be one in which she could thrive and would not stand out like she does now. We are praying for God's timing, direction, and plan.
Those 4 Weeks
It is Christmas time! How I love Christmas time. Before I had kids, I used to get so annoyed at radio stations that switched to all Christmas music for the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now I am loving it! I jam out every time I am in the car. Before you have kids, the "mood" of Christmas is created for you. Once you become Mommy, you have the responsibility to create that "mood." Music gets me in the mood.
Speaking of the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the time has flown by! My parents flew up to New York for Thanksgiving weekend. Because they arrived late afternoon on Thanksgiving, I made the entire meal by myself. Can I brag? It was delicious!!! The turkey was a bit dry, but everything else was great. Nothing came from a box - it was all homemade from scratch. What is so funny to me is that it was last Thanksgiving that really set me on a path of cooking from scratch. Leigh, one of my best friends, and her family came up for Thanksgiving, and she and I made the meal together. I realized that it was not that hard. Since then, I have been a cooking machine!
Ok, so back to my weekend with my parents. My mom had hopes of doing major things like heading into NYC, but my dad just wanted to chill. He won. We piddled around the nearby area and really got to enjoy being together. The night before my parents left, we put up and decorated the tree together.
Then we worked on that "perfect" Christmas card picture. My mom helped me decorate the house for Christmas, too. I loved having my parents here. It made me a little sad that we live so far away, but I enjoyed the time for what it was.
We also got to host our annual Christmas party open to the entire church. Our house is smaller than the one we were in last year, so I was a bit nervous, but it all worked out. The party was a drop in, but once people got here, no one seemed willing to leave. That was fine by me - the more the merrier! We probably had about 80 people in all, which is not bad turnout. That is half our church!
Amidst holiday chaos, I am in the final weeks of marathon training. I have my second 20 mile run this weekend before I start tapering for the big day. That basically means the two weeks before Christmas will be made up of shorter runs, preparing my body to run the full 26 on January 9th. I am still very nervous, but I am getting more an more excited! My nerves are more about bathroom issues and what could go wrong. I know I have put in the hours training, so I am excited to put it to the test!
Now we are preparing to leave for Tennessee. All fifteen of us will be under one roof this year. I am so excited!!! Have a safe and merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
From Trail to Life
Well, I did it today - I RAN 20 MILES!!! I can hardly believe I did it. I actually should say WE did it, for it is by God's grace alone that my body is enduring! I was a bit anxious this morning, but just like when you run a simple 5 or 10 miles, it is one step at a time.
This marathon training has truly changed my life. I have learned so much about myself and have been able to change "on the trail," then change in my life. I have learned it is about forward motion. If you get caught up in performance or refuse to rest when needed, you do not feel as strong. As long as I continue to move forward, I am going to cross the finish line. Forward motion is success. So it is with life. We face interruptions, juggling schedules, illness, etc. We are sometimes forced to slow down. That is okay! We just have to keep in mind forward motion is what matters. I have also learned slowing down keeps you going. In life, I am also learning to slow down, mentally and physically. I am astounded at how my reserve has built.
Probably one of my biggest lessons has been in optimism and being in the moment. When we do our Saturday long runs, we do those on the trail, which stretches from our city all the way to the Bronx. What this means is whatever we travel one way we will have to travel the other way when we turn around. When we first started, I found that rather than enjoying the downhills and "coasting," I was grumbling internally and worrying about the inevitable reversal where I would have to go uphill. How pathetic. I realize I am a little like that in life when it applies to me personally. I worry, worry, worry. It deprives me of enjoying the moment. I disciplined myself to change on the trails, and have noticed it transition into my life.
Even my stress fracture I have fought off has taught me things. The first 20-25 minutes are excruciating, as far as my lower leg goes. Once we traverse what we call "Mount Kilimanjaro," which are 2 hills back to back that are quite steep, the pain begins to diminish. In life, when I feel I am facing an uphill battle that does not feel good at the time. I recall that I am "building heat" and will be in a better place in life once I crest it.
So, if you are not a runner, this may all seem cheesy to you. I am a different person today because of my training, regardless of what my body does on January 9th, I am a success. God has also allowed me to build a beautiful friendship with my running partner. Training long distances with someone is quite intimate. You experience so much alongside another person, you struggle together and succeed together. I am so thankful God gave me Mary Cay to run alongside!
This marathon training has truly changed my life. I have learned so much about myself and have been able to change "on the trail," then change in my life. I have learned it is about forward motion. If you get caught up in performance or refuse to rest when needed, you do not feel as strong. As long as I continue to move forward, I am going to cross the finish line. Forward motion is success. So it is with life. We face interruptions, juggling schedules, illness, etc. We are sometimes forced to slow down. That is okay! We just have to keep in mind forward motion is what matters. I have also learned slowing down keeps you going. In life, I am also learning to slow down, mentally and physically. I am astounded at how my reserve has built.
Probably one of my biggest lessons has been in optimism and being in the moment. When we do our Saturday long runs, we do those on the trail, which stretches from our city all the way to the Bronx. What this means is whatever we travel one way we will have to travel the other way when we turn around. When we first started, I found that rather than enjoying the downhills and "coasting," I was grumbling internally and worrying about the inevitable reversal where I would have to go uphill. How pathetic. I realize I am a little like that in life when it applies to me personally. I worry, worry, worry. It deprives me of enjoying the moment. I disciplined myself to change on the trails, and have noticed it transition into my life.
Even my stress fracture I have fought off has taught me things. The first 20-25 minutes are excruciating, as far as my lower leg goes. Once we traverse what we call "Mount Kilimanjaro," which are 2 hills back to back that are quite steep, the pain begins to diminish. In life, when I feel I am facing an uphill battle that does not feel good at the time. I recall that I am "building heat" and will be in a better place in life once I crest it.
So, if you are not a runner, this may all seem cheesy to you. I am a different person today because of my training, regardless of what my body does on January 9th, I am a success. God has also allowed me to build a beautiful friendship with my running partner. Training long distances with someone is quite intimate. You experience so much alongside another person, you struggle together and succeed together. I am so thankful God gave me Mary Cay to run alongside!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Travel mania continues...
We had such a meaningful time in South Carolina! I think this is the first time in a few years that we did not go because of the death of someone. It was a crazy packed trip, taking a day and a hlaf to get there and the same to get back. Our kids travel very well - no fighting, fussing, or complaining. We are very lucky. Now if they did not have a tv hooked up right in front of them playing the entire 15 hours of the car ride, it may all be a different story. I love the man/woman who invented portable tv/dvd players. Rick had a few meetings wit some churches who are planning mission trips up here to our church in New York this year. My excitement for that is a whole nother story!!! Then we had small pockets of time to see friends and former church members.
Our first night there had me giddy! My best friend turns 40 on Labor Day, so I had coordinated a surprise party for her. She had no ideas whatsoever. We pulled in form our 2 day journey, and I made a mad dash to get ready and out the door to pick Leigh up. I cannot tell you how blessed I was watching her face and feeling her joy at her friends surprising her. We made a point to spend a great deal of time with Rick's foster family. We had dinner with them almost every night which was a special thing for them and us. Usually, we see them briefly and are around for maybe one dinner. I feel as if time has put distance between me and them a little. The time with them this week seemed to bridge us back. The kids slept horribly, and of course, that means we did, too, but everything else was perfect!!!!
On Saturday, I am taking the kids to Ohio to stay with my brother and sister in law for a few days. Once we get back, we have less than a week before Abbie goes back to school. To say I am nervous for her is putting it mildly. She does not like change, so the adjustment will probably be a little rough. I am so thankful most pf her closer friends from last year are with her again. We went up to her school today to see her new classroom. Unfortunately, the teacher was not up there, but the class was put together and looked fun. Brooks will start the week after Abbie. I have a job interview on Wednesday, but I am not sure I am interested. I am interested in working and having an outlet plus a little extra money, though. We will see what happens. The job is at a one on one women's personal training studio.
Marathon training is trucking along. We ran 10.25 this week. I am sore but felt goods doing it. My training partner has lost 40 pounds so far, and I have lost zero. Yep, the doc is baffled. We changed my thyroid meds and are hoping something will happen. We shall see! Well, off to teach Boot Camp!
Our first night there had me giddy! My best friend turns 40 on Labor Day, so I had coordinated a surprise party for her. She had no ideas whatsoever. We pulled in form our 2 day journey, and I made a mad dash to get ready and out the door to pick Leigh up. I cannot tell you how blessed I was watching her face and feeling her joy at her friends surprising her. We made a point to spend a great deal of time with Rick's foster family. We had dinner with them almost every night which was a special thing for them and us. Usually, we see them briefly and are around for maybe one dinner. I feel as if time has put distance between me and them a little. The time with them this week seemed to bridge us back. The kids slept horribly, and of course, that means we did, too, but everything else was perfect!!!!
On Saturday, I am taking the kids to Ohio to stay with my brother and sister in law for a few days. Once we get back, we have less than a week before Abbie goes back to school. To say I am nervous for her is putting it mildly. She does not like change, so the adjustment will probably be a little rough. I am so thankful most pf her closer friends from last year are with her again. We went up to her school today to see her new classroom. Unfortunately, the teacher was not up there, but the class was put together and looked fun. Brooks will start the week after Abbie. I have a job interview on Wednesday, but I am not sure I am interested. I am interested in working and having an outlet plus a little extra money, though. We will see what happens. The job is at a one on one women's personal training studio.
Marathon training is trucking along. We ran 10.25 this week. I am sore but felt goods doing it. My training partner has lost 40 pounds so far, and I have lost zero. Yep, the doc is baffled. We changed my thyroid meds and are hoping something will happen. We shall see! Well, off to teach Boot Camp!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Summer Vaca
Well, I have finally uploaded pictures from my vacations! WooHoo!! First are the pics from our Family reunion that was canceled but rescheduled as a family trip. Makes sense, right? (: It was supposed to be a trip for about 50-60 family members, but with the oil spill, everyone backed out. So, my dad decided just our family would go.

Everyone but my brother and his wife were able to make it. The pool had a lazy river running around it and a water slide.

I think I liked the slide more than the kids. It was so good to have the cousins get a chance to play together and to get to see my sisters (and spouses of course) and parents. After everyone left the beach, the Julians headed to New Orleans for a little extra vacation. I think the highlight was Cafe DuMonde!
(Brooks chowing down on beignets)
Once back, we had to focus forward and pack for our move! My sister in law, Leah, came to help me pack up. Before that, I had only met her briefly at the wedding and then spent a little shared time with her one weekend. I was so blessed getting to spend one-on-one time with her. I am so glad we got to become friends! She is a sweet, unselfish, unassuming, fun gal!
Our last week there, we also had an outbreak of mice. Say what?!?!? It all started when Rick left a dirty car seat in the garage. Guess what it attracted? MICE! They found their way into the house. We thought we had one until our mouse trap caught 3 baby mice. We kept setting it and catching more. I was very happy to get out of there.
A week after moving in, I left my husband and kids to fend for themselves while one of my dearest friends and I met up in Toronto.

Both of our flights were canceled on the way, so we ended up getting there separately at 1 am. My luggage would not make it for 2 days. On the bright side, I got to buy a new outfit at Delta's expense. WooHoo! The coolest thing we did was eat at the CN Tower 360. It rotates around, so you can see all across and past Toronto. It was beautiful!!! Leigh ordered some weird food, so it was a fun experience.

This was cool too - world's smallest church. It seats 8 people. Pretty cool, huh?

Now I am back and getting settled in the house. School starts in 4 more weeks, so we are still trying to enjoy summer and milk it for all it's worth.
Everyone but my brother and his wife were able to make it. The pool had a lazy river running around it and a water slide.
I think I liked the slide more than the kids. It was so good to have the cousins get a chance to play together and to get to see my sisters (and spouses of course) and parents. After everyone left the beach, the Julians headed to New Orleans for a little extra vacation. I think the highlight was Cafe DuMonde!
Once back, we had to focus forward and pack for our move! My sister in law, Leah, came to help me pack up. Before that, I had only met her briefly at the wedding and then spent a little shared time with her one weekend. I was so blessed getting to spend one-on-one time with her. I am so glad we got to become friends! She is a sweet, unselfish, unassuming, fun gal!
Our last week there, we also had an outbreak of mice. Say what?!?!? It all started when Rick left a dirty car seat in the garage. Guess what it attracted? MICE! They found their way into the house. We thought we had one until our mouse trap caught 3 baby mice. We kept setting it and catching more. I was very happy to get out of there.
A week after moving in, I left my husband and kids to fend for themselves while one of my dearest friends and I met up in Toronto.
Both of our flights were canceled on the way, so we ended up getting there separately at 1 am. My luggage would not make it for 2 days. On the bright side, I got to buy a new outfit at Delta's expense. WooHoo! The coolest thing we did was eat at the CN Tower 360. It rotates around, so you can see all across and past Toronto. It was beautiful!!! Leigh ordered some weird food, so it was a fun experience.
This was cool too - world's smallest church. It seats 8 people. Pretty cool, huh?
Now I am back and getting settled in the house. School starts in 4 more weeks, so we are still trying to enjoy summer and milk it for all it's worth.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Checking in...
So it is 11:30, way past my bedtime, yet I am sitting here typing and watching Big Brother 12. What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been! We are "in" the new house. That is to say, half of our stuff is in the house (pics to come) and half is still in the garage! I am trying to do this in "waves," so as not to have a horrible mess. It worked much better in theory!! No, it seriously has helped it from being too overwhelming. I have to get a lot done, because I leave for Canada next Wednesday! One of my best friends and I take a trip together every other year, and this is our year. I love the layout of the new house, but it is further away from everything. I am shocked at how much gas I go through just doing every day life! Crazy!
One benefit of the stress of moving is the visitors I have had. My sister in law who I have only known since Chris married her in January(was a whirlwind romance like Rick and I had) came up to help me for three days. I loved getting to know her better. She is an amazing girl who has a heart for the Lord, loves and respects my brother, and is such a servant hearted person. I was so sad to see her go....BUT then my mom came the next day. My mom is so fun, and she is a work horse! We have gotten a lot done and have had some good times. She leaves tomorrow morning, and I am soooo sad. I will get to see Leigh, though, a week later, which will make it a little better!!
I have been doing a lot of running lately. I am training for a marathon. I know, crazy, right?!? There are awesome bike/running trails here that go all the way to the Bronx. A friend and I do our long runs on the trail. Until my Garmin navigation watch gets here, we are going by time. Today I did about 90 minutes. Woot! Woot!! I have a half marathon the first weekend in October, so that will be a good gage for how the marathon will go. Training with a friend has made it much more enjoyable, and I find I am actually enjoying it. I look forward to my long runs, even when I am worn out. I may not be singing that tune when I hot 15 and 16 miles(:
One benefit of the stress of moving is the visitors I have had. My sister in law who I have only known since Chris married her in January(was a whirlwind romance like Rick and I had) came up to help me for three days. I loved getting to know her better. She is an amazing girl who has a heart for the Lord, loves and respects my brother, and is such a servant hearted person. I was so sad to see her go....BUT then my mom came the next day. My mom is so fun, and she is a work horse! We have gotten a lot done and have had some good times. She leaves tomorrow morning, and I am soooo sad. I will get to see Leigh, though, a week later, which will make it a little better!!
I have been doing a lot of running lately. I am training for a marathon. I know, crazy, right?!? There are awesome bike/running trails here that go all the way to the Bronx. A friend and I do our long runs on the trail. Until my Garmin navigation watch gets here, we are going by time. Today I did about 90 minutes. Woot! Woot!! I have a half marathon the first weekend in October, so that will be a good gage for how the marathon will go. Training with a friend has made it much more enjoyable, and I find I am actually enjoying it. I look forward to my long runs, even when I am worn out. I may not be singing that tune when I hot 15 and 16 miles(:
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Kindergarten is Coming To An End!
Well, the "Thank you" notes to Abbie's teachers have been written and sealed, the cookies for the teachers to eat on have been baked, and I am crashing. I just know as soon as I go to sleep, I will wake up in the morning with a daughter going to her last day of Kindergarten. I was not near this emotional on her first day of Kindergarten. I cannot fathom why I am more emotional today. She will be in a 5 week summer school session, but it is not the same. Kindergarten has been such a positive experience for her. The teachers and classmates have been wonderful. Abbie has grown so much over the past year. I look at her and just wonder where the time has gone. It really does go so fast! I am just trying to think in the immediate future, which is beach time with the fam! I cannot wait to spend unscheduled time with my kids, hubbie, and the rest of my family. WooHoo! Gulf Shores, here we come!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Content and Happy
After talking to a girlfriend from college the other night about our blogs, I realized I needed to check in! Can I just mention that despite the stress of moving again (same town, different house) and being waaaaay too busy, I am just plain happy. I am actually a word I have not been in awhile - content. I truly believe we are right where God wants us to be. My daughter Abbie is finishing up her last week of kindergarten here in New York. I am filled with so many emotions. New York has surprised me. People here are so real. They are dedicated, hard working people. Though 90 percent (at least) of those working with Abbie are not Christians, they live, work, and treat others in a way that is humbling to me as a Christian. Ms Chamberlain, Abbie's speech therapist, is the biggest reason I am thrilled with Abbie's schooling. As we talked the other day, and I was telling her how wonderful and amazing she is (as I do almost every time we talk), she told me, "Rachel, you may think I am blessing and changing Abbie's life, but really she is just as equally blessing and changing mine." She went on some more after that, but I was blown away. Abbie, in the heart of liberalism, agnosticism, and atheism, is being used as a light to those around her. Her PT is a member of our church and told me that Abbie just openly talks about God and prayer without a second thought, and the teachers actually listen. People that would normally shut down a conversation and not even listen are allowing this precious 6 year old girl to share the Gospel!!! I am humbled that God brought us up here not just for Rick's job but for Abbie's!!!!! Abbie's delays are being used to advance the Kingdom in ways no one else could. It is thrilling!
The church is growing, too. Up here, things move slowly. We are working against culture. It is not PC to go to church, much less be a Christian. When I tell people Rick is a pastor, you can almost hear a pin drop in the room. It is quite amusing yet sad. I remember back to a year ago, when we were deciding about moving up here permanently, I told Rick I flat out refused to move up here. Now, you can see who wins in our house!! (: Really, God made Himself very clear, and we all won because of it. The church family has been so healing to us, after what we went through at our former church. No one expects anything of me except to love my family. Because of that, I actually am finding myself desiring to do and enjoying ministry! I teach a weekly yoga session at church and teach youth SS girls. Rick and I have been doing counseling for some couples in our church as well. Guess what? I looooooooove church! How refreshing! I know, some are shocked that a pastor's wife would admit to ever feeling another way. Hey, I'm a northerner now, so I am just telling it like it is!!!
Life is too short to aim to please everybody. I am learning to focus upward only and let everything else go. I always laugh when I think that God brought me to liberal land to bring me such freedom. Please join me in praying for the lost souls of NY and for opportunities to reach them!!
Ok, here are some pics from over the past month.
This first one was when Abbie, Mom, and I went into the city together

This is taken in Central Park

I love this picture. It was actually taken at Abbie's Field Day

This was at DD one morning before church. I promised if they cooperated and got out the door early, we could treat ourselves before church. Mom got her coffee, and the kids got their donuts!
The church is growing, too. Up here, things move slowly. We are working against culture. It is not PC to go to church, much less be a Christian. When I tell people Rick is a pastor, you can almost hear a pin drop in the room. It is quite amusing yet sad. I remember back to a year ago, when we were deciding about moving up here permanently, I told Rick I flat out refused to move up here. Now, you can see who wins in our house!! (: Really, God made Himself very clear, and we all won because of it. The church family has been so healing to us, after what we went through at our former church. No one expects anything of me except to love my family. Because of that, I actually am finding myself desiring to do and enjoying ministry! I teach a weekly yoga session at church and teach youth SS girls. Rick and I have been doing counseling for some couples in our church as well. Guess what? I looooooooove church! How refreshing! I know, some are shocked that a pastor's wife would admit to ever feeling another way. Hey, I'm a northerner now, so I am just telling it like it is!!!
Life is too short to aim to please everybody. I am learning to focus upward only and let everything else go. I always laugh when I think that God brought me to liberal land to bring me such freedom. Please join me in praying for the lost souls of NY and for opportunities to reach them!!
Ok, here are some pics from over the past month.
This first one was when Abbie, Mom, and I went into the city together
This is taken in Central Park
I love this picture. It was actually taken at Abbie's Field Day
This was at DD one morning before church. I promised if they cooperated and got out the door early, we could treat ourselves before church. Mom got her coffee, and the kids got their donuts!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Happy Birthday, My Jumpin' Bean!!
I can hardly believe tomorrow is my sweet firstborn daughter's 6th birthday! I cannot even think about it without getting tears in my eyes. I remember everything, from when they told me they thought I might be miscarrying at 8 weeks to falling on my face pleading God to spare her, to the first ultrasound at 10 weeks (where she bounced around with her bud of an arm almost in a wave). This is where she gets one of her nicknames "Jumpin' Bean" I remember being readmitted into the hospital with her at a few days old because of her jaundice. I was so scared, but God was faithful. Abbie has always loved being held by her Mommy and Daddy. We used to lay her on her tummy on our chest and gently "jiggle" her, and she was a snoozer in minutes. I sang more to that child than anyone would even believe. I think that is why, to this day, she responds so well to music.
Everything about Abbie is gentle and beautiful. She has a prayer life that is well beyond her 6 years of age. She prays for people and then I will get a phone call a day or so later from that person asking for prayer because something happened. She tells her teachers about Jesus and prays for them, and they don't get offended (which is a big big big deal up here outside NYC). She is a walking evangelist and such a comforter to those who are lonely or hurting. People tell me they feel "seen" and at peace around my child. I know I feel this way. She brings the spirit of Christ wherever she goes. I am humbled DAILY by her grace, gentleness, acceptance, and peace. I can not imagine life without my angel.
Abbie, having never been taught or asked, has started cleaning up after dinner. She takes her plate and empties it in the trash and then sets it in the sink. She then takes ours and does the same thing, after which she asks for a towel to wipe the table.
And boy is Abbie fun and funny. She comes up with the funniest remarks and loooooves a reason to shake her bootay! Last weekend we went with my Mom to see Mamma Mia, and I about melted in my seat. She knew the words to the songs and held up her finger as a microphone and sang along with the cast. I am sure the people next to us were not as amused, but my Mom and I had a ball watching her.
People always ask if she is a Daddy's girl. She adores her Daddy and at times, she is, but she is definitely a Momma's girl. I am still shocked God trusted me with her as a child, and I am so thankful for the day she was born! Happy birthday Abs!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Current Events
As I sit typing on my computer, my house is a wreck, my husband and daughter are snoozing peacefully, and my son is happily playing cars in his room. I stepped over numerous toys and necessary chores to sit down and type! A few minutes ago I was cuddled next to my daughter, when suddenly I was awakened by horrendous heartburn. I am talking about keeled over, please save me God, sharp pain heartburn! I thought I would do something that required sitting up since lying down was too painful. Thus, I am blogging! Nothing earth shattering has gone on, just the normal hum drum of life. I have dealt with a lot of worry over where Abbie will be next year, as far as placement goes. She will movie up to first grade, but it is undecided which school she will attend. For various reasons, I am certain she should stay where she is. I scheduled an appointment with her speech pathologist last Friday. After meeting with her, I am even more certain Abbie should stay at her current school. This lady, though not a believer, loves my daughter more than any other educator she has had in the schools. She is devoted to Abbie, values Abbie, gets Abbie, and advocates for Abbie. I am blown away that someone who is not motivated by Jesus gives so much of her skill, time, and energy out of love for another. How humbling it is to me to take time to minister to others wholeheartedly, to give my first fruits instead of waiting to see what time/energy I have left over to serve.
Brooks is blowing me away. He is so verbal and expressive. He had his first swim lesson on Friday. Now, before I tell you how it turned out, let me tell you how he is normally around water. He loves loves loves it. Last summer, I had to watch him nonstop around the pool. He would run and just jump in the water - no fear. He loves it. However, (I am sure you know what is coming) on Friday, gone was that fearless child. He got in the water and grabbed onto the side with a death grip. He was doing as asked until Daddy appeared on the pool deck. Immediately, the screams erupted. After a few minutes, Daddy made an exit. Then it became, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Help me! I scared! Mommy..." over and over and over again for the entire class. I left the deck and hid in the dressing from for the last 15 minutes but the crying continued anyway. We are hoping things are different this week.
This coming week is mucho mucho busy. I have a packed schedule in the day and at night most of the nights. I am preaching this coming Sunday and am a little, no, a lot, anxious about it. I am trying to figure out when I will have time to write and memorize it. Because Rick lost his brother and mother this past year, I know the day will be difficult for him. This is one way I feel I can lighten the burden of his heart.
Brooks is blowing me away. He is so verbal and expressive. He had his first swim lesson on Friday. Now, before I tell you how it turned out, let me tell you how he is normally around water. He loves loves loves it. Last summer, I had to watch him nonstop around the pool. He would run and just jump in the water - no fear. He loves it. However, (I am sure you know what is coming) on Friday, gone was that fearless child. He got in the water and grabbed onto the side with a death grip. He was doing as asked until Daddy appeared on the pool deck. Immediately, the screams erupted. After a few minutes, Daddy made an exit. Then it became, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Help me! I scared! Mommy..." over and over and over again for the entire class. I left the deck and hid in the dressing from for the last 15 minutes but the crying continued anyway. We are hoping things are different this week.
This coming week is mucho mucho busy. I have a packed schedule in the day and at night most of the nights. I am preaching this coming Sunday and am a little, no, a lot, anxious about it. I am trying to figure out when I will have time to write and memorize it. Because Rick lost his brother and mother this past year, I know the day will be difficult for him. This is one way I feel I can lighten the burden of his heart.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Celebrating Brooks's 3rd!
We had a great weekend! It was all about Brooks. On Friday night we celebrated his birthday as a family. After cooking cheeseburger dip all day, he decides he does not want that and wants McDonalds. Obviously, on their birthday, they get whatever they want. I have a "You are Special" plate that the birthday boy/girl eats on, so he still did that!

After eating cake, Brooks opened his presents. Needless to say, he hit the jackpot.

I am shocked we ever got him to fall asleep, but once he did, I went to work preparing for his birthday party on Saturday. After all invites were sent out, Brooks informed Rick and me he wanted to have it at the church. Guess what? What birthday boy wants, he gets! I was a little worried this morning after getting a call that a child that was supposed to come was sick. Two more were already sick. Luckily, everyone else showed up. Since everyone was starving, lunch came first!

Once we filled our bellies, it was craft time. I had a beach bucket for each kid and tons of stuff to decorate them with like stickers, markers, etc. They seemed to enjoy it. After making their buckets, we went outside to play a few rounds with a pinata and fill our buckets with candy!

After that, more cake! My son has suddenly decided he has an aversion to silverware, so he again ate cake with his fingers.

Everyone knows what follows cake....PRESENTS!!! Brooks again hit the JACKPOT!

The party ended with free play on the playground. Abbie was the only one who came out not covered in dirt.

And since these two love to hug each other, they had to get a goodbye hug!

I had to include a picture of 2 of my favorite people in New York! It is hard to be so far away from family, but these two ladies filled in and helped me feel relaxed and on top of things!

Now is the crash from it all. After everyone got naps, Brooks is now playing with all of his toys.
After eating cake, Brooks opened his presents. Needless to say, he hit the jackpot.
I am shocked we ever got him to fall asleep, but once he did, I went to work preparing for his birthday party on Saturday. After all invites were sent out, Brooks informed Rick and me he wanted to have it at the church. Guess what? What birthday boy wants, he gets! I was a little worried this morning after getting a call that a child that was supposed to come was sick. Two more were already sick. Luckily, everyone else showed up. Since everyone was starving, lunch came first!
Once we filled our bellies, it was craft time. I had a beach bucket for each kid and tons of stuff to decorate them with like stickers, markers, etc. They seemed to enjoy it. After making their buckets, we went outside to play a few rounds with a pinata and fill our buckets with candy!
After that, more cake! My son has suddenly decided he has an aversion to silverware, so he again ate cake with his fingers.
Everyone knows what follows cake....PRESENTS!!! Brooks again hit the JACKPOT!
The party ended with free play on the playground. Abbie was the only one who came out not covered in dirt.
And since these two love to hug each other, they had to get a goodbye hug!
I had to include a picture of 2 of my favorite people in New York! It is hard to be so far away from family, but these two ladies filled in and helped me feel relaxed and on top of things!
Now is the crash from it all. After everyone got naps, Brooks is now playing with all of his toys.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Happy Birthday, My Little Man!
My baby is three today!! I cannot believe it!! Where has the time gone? As I was telling him his "birth story" last night, I was overcome with emotion and feeling like it was just yesterday. I remember how he was in utero. He would kick at precisely the same time every day for close to the same length of time. He was so routine and predictable. Then the delivery - what an easy, amazing experience. I went in to a scheduled induction the day before his due date. They gave me the drip, checked me, told me I was 3, that they would wait a few hours to check me again, knowing the process with Abbie was very slow. I did not want an early epidural with Brooks, because I wanted to "feel" the experience. Very soon after, I called the nurse in, telling her I think I had progressed a lot. She assured me that it was too quick but she would check anyway. Needless to say, I was a 7. We got that epidural in quickly! Not even 10 minutes later, she came back in to check me, but her check was visual - there was my buddy's head! My doc was in surgery, so she said I would have to just "hold tight". Yeah right! (: The doc hustled in and sat down. He said, just stay like you are. This baby is just coming out by himself. Doctor Moore put his hand on my belly and Brooks entered the world! Whew! I should have known his personality already - he likes predictable and routine. He is intense. He is an "I can do it all by myself" kind of guy! And he is so much more. Every day he makes me laugh; every day he makes my heart warm; every day he challenges me; every day he inspires me. He is so verbal. He has an opinion about everything and likes to feel like he is in complete control at all times. He is so smart and perceptive! He has an opinion about what he should wear and is obsessed with shoes. I could not imagine life without him. Thank you God for entrusting this sweet soul to me! Happy 3rd birthday, sweet boy Brooks!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Time Movin'
I want another baby! I admit, the timing is off, but the time is tickin' too! I am praying about God's will and His timing, because it does not make sense.
Ok, on to another note, we had so much fun in the city last week. Christine and Emma came in to town, and we hit the city. Abbie was not feeling great, but she did not complain a bit! We hot my favorite restaurant, Tony's, watched Alice in 3D for $20 a ticket(I was shocked it was that it was that much more), went to M&M and Hershey stores, and walked around Times Square. The next morning we went to a play in Greenwich Village, which was so fun! I have not been to Greenwich Village much, but I have decided I want to hit it more in the future trips. The musical was Alice in Wonderland. The girls loved it! Afterwards, Abbie insisted on telling Cinderella that she had her at home as a Barbie doll. The cast got a kick out of that.
I am so thankful for the friends I have here. After our experience in Texas, I am not quick or excited to make true friends in the church where Rick pastors. Due to the fact that there are hardly any Christians up here, it is not really an option to do otherwise! (: I am grateful for the friends who have made room in their lives for "one more."
Speaking of Austin, I can hardly believe it was a year ago that Rick sent in his resignation letter. I have mixed emotions. First, I am shocked at how much healing God has done in my heart through my experience here in NY. Second, I am so lucky to have the family I do. I remember throwing Brooks a birthday party at my Mom's house, and all my relatives came over. There is nothing like family to drown out ugliness. Brooks's birthday is coming up again, so it brings back memories of where I was and see God's hand in everything. I will not say I am "free" from the experience, but I am getting there. For the first time, I experienced God using the experience to enable me to minister to someone that I probably could not have otherwise. That felt good, really good!
Ok, on to another note, we had so much fun in the city last week. Christine and Emma came in to town, and we hit the city. Abbie was not feeling great, but she did not complain a bit! We hot my favorite restaurant, Tony's, watched Alice in 3D for $20 a ticket(I was shocked it was that it was that much more), went to M&M and Hershey stores, and walked around Times Square. The next morning we went to a play in Greenwich Village, which was so fun! I have not been to Greenwich Village much, but I have decided I want to hit it more in the future trips. The musical was Alice in Wonderland. The girls loved it! Afterwards, Abbie insisted on telling Cinderella that she had her at home as a Barbie doll. The cast got a kick out of that.
I am so thankful for the friends I have here. After our experience in Texas, I am not quick or excited to make true friends in the church where Rick pastors. Due to the fact that there are hardly any Christians up here, it is not really an option to do otherwise! (: I am grateful for the friends who have made room in their lives for "one more."
Speaking of Austin, I can hardly believe it was a year ago that Rick sent in his resignation letter. I have mixed emotions. First, I am shocked at how much healing God has done in my heart through my experience here in NY. Second, I am so lucky to have the family I do. I remember throwing Brooks a birthday party at my Mom's house, and all my relatives came over. There is nothing like family to drown out ugliness. Brooks's birthday is coming up again, so it brings back memories of where I was and see God's hand in everything. I will not say I am "free" from the experience, but I am getting there. For the first time, I experienced God using the experience to enable me to minister to someone that I probably could not have otherwise. That felt good, really good!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Big Look
Has it really been 3 months since my last post?!?!?! I have no idea how to cover the events of three months in one post. I guess what sums it up is God has been so good in the stepping stones He has given me to heal from the experience in Austin. I would be lying to say I have truly forgiven those few people, but I must say it doe snot define my life. Living in New York has been a blast, though it has not been without its challenges. Rick lost his brother and mother in a 6 month period, was in a car wreck, and had surgery. That being said, it is apparent that the spiritual warfare here is strong. That is because God is doing some great works here! We are seeing so many lives changed. Down south, going to church is the social norm. Living a Christian life is not necessarily the norm, but being a church attender is. Up here, you go against the norm if you are a follower of Christ. The challenges Christians face up here blow me away. Since we have been here, the church attendance has tripled, so that is very exciting to us as well as the church. Rick's friend, Mckelvie, has been leading worship, and that has been such a blessing! If anyone reading this is looking for potential mission trips for your youth or adults at your church, the fields up here are ripe for harvest, though the laborers are few. We have opportunities!
Witnessing is very different up here. There is such an aversion to Christianity and church up here, that the relationship foundation must be set very securely before the Gospel is presented. I work one night a week. I hate going out at night away from my family, but God has put the 2 ladies I train on my heart, and I know I am training them for more than earning a paycheck. God has partnered me with them for such a time as this. I pray regularly for opportunity and conversation, and He has been faithful.
I have loved exploring NYC so much. I hope to post pictures soon of places and stars I have encountered in NYC. It is a fascinating place that never grows old. I just discovered Shake Shack, an outdoor eatery right in Madison Square Garden. You stand in a long line to place your order at Window #1, wait to pick up your order at Window #2 and then find a tiny table to sit at and eat. I was soooo good. One of my best friends from college came up to the city, and she suggested we try it. I was shocked. Another fave is Grand Central. Most people think of the part of GS that is seen in movies - the huge lobby. Though that is beautiful, the bottom floor is my favorite. There are tons of walk up restaurants (like at the mall) and sit down places. Juniors has the BEST bakery of anywhere in NY. Times Square continues to fascinate me, especially at night. I feel like a child when I am there, so in awe of all the lights! When my little sis was here, my friend who works at FOX News took us on a tour. We sat in O'Reilly's chair and met Shep Smith(who had on more make up than Tammy Faye Baker). My favorite restaurant BY FAR in the city is Tony Dinapoli's. It is an Italian family style restaurant, and it is to DIE FOR! We live 40 miles north of the city, so the train system to get into the city is so convenient! We drive a couple miles to the train station (which happens to be right across the street from the church), hop on the train, and arrive at Grand Central an hour and twenty minutes later.
One of my best friends from SC is coming up next weekend with her daughter, and the gals are hitting the city. Abbie is thrilled about the girl's trip!Hopefully I will get a chance to blog this one, too!
Witnessing is very different up here. There is such an aversion to Christianity and church up here, that the relationship foundation must be set very securely before the Gospel is presented. I work one night a week. I hate going out at night away from my family, but God has put the 2 ladies I train on my heart, and I know I am training them for more than earning a paycheck. God has partnered me with them for such a time as this. I pray regularly for opportunity and conversation, and He has been faithful.
I have loved exploring NYC so much. I hope to post pictures soon of places and stars I have encountered in NYC. It is a fascinating place that never grows old. I just discovered Shake Shack, an outdoor eatery right in Madison Square Garden. You stand in a long line to place your order at Window #1, wait to pick up your order at Window #2 and then find a tiny table to sit at and eat. I was soooo good. One of my best friends from college came up to the city, and she suggested we try it. I was shocked. Another fave is Grand Central. Most people think of the part of GS that is seen in movies - the huge lobby. Though that is beautiful, the bottom floor is my favorite. There are tons of walk up restaurants (like at the mall) and sit down places. Juniors has the BEST bakery of anywhere in NY. Times Square continues to fascinate me, especially at night. I feel like a child when I am there, so in awe of all the lights! When my little sis was here, my friend who works at FOX News took us on a tour. We sat in O'Reilly's chair and met Shep Smith(who had on more make up than Tammy Faye Baker). My favorite restaurant BY FAR in the city is Tony Dinapoli's. It is an Italian family style restaurant, and it is to DIE FOR! We live 40 miles north of the city, so the train system to get into the city is so convenient! We drive a couple miles to the train station (which happens to be right across the street from the church), hop on the train, and arrive at Grand Central an hour and twenty minutes later.
One of my best friends from SC is coming up next weekend with her daughter, and the gals are hitting the city. Abbie is thrilled about the girl's trip!Hopefully I will get a chance to blog this one, too!
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